Security: By holding your private keys, you have complete control over your funds and are not relying on a third party to secure them. This reduces the risk of theft or loss due to hacking or other security breaches.
Privacy: Self-custody allows you to maintain your privacy by not requiring you to share your personal information with a third-party service.
Control: With self-custody, you have full control over your funds, including the ability to move them whenever and wherever you want.
No fees: Self-custody typically involves little to no fees, whereas custodial services may charge fees for storing and managing your funds.
Independence: Self-custody allows you to be independent and not rely on a centralized entity to manage your funds, which aligns with the principles of decentralization that many crypto enthusiasts value.
Overall, self-custody for a crypto wallet provides increased security, privacy, control, and independence over your digital assets. However, it also requires you to take responsibility for securing your private keys and keeping them safe, which can be challenging for those who are not familiar with proper security measures.